突破 ‧ 創意 ‧ 睿智
衝破界限 成就未來
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突破 ‧ 創意 ‧ 睿智
衝破界限 成就未來
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旺角上海街426號 萬事昌商業中心19樓全層
19/F, Multifield Commercial Centre, 422-426 Shanghai Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon
營業時間 Opening Hours (Mon - Sun 12nn - 10pm)
公眾假期除外 Except Public Holiday
1. 登記電話號碼
2. 參賽者姓名
* 銀行名稱:HSBC
戶口名稱:International Bilingual College Limited
戶口號碼:582 675047 838
組別 Group(年齡以2024年1月1日為界,即依據上述日子的年歲而計) *比賽項目 Category Competition *題材(日本京都文藝成就繪畫參展賽適用)所屬代表地區(日本京都文藝成就繪畫參展賽適用)中文姓名 Chinese Name(將展示在獎項) *英文姓名 English Name(將展示在獎項) *電子信箱 Email address *電話號碼 Phone no. *順豐櫃編號SF Locker no. (海外地區者請直接填通訊地址) *上傳付款收據 Upload the receipt *報名費只代表報名費用,不包括獎項或頒獎禮等費用(如適用),如合資格申請獎項,屆時可自由選擇是否申請獎項或參加頒獎禮(如適用),請詳閱注意事項*上傳檔案最大可上傳 20 MB即時上傳作品電子檔(最遲可於2024年6月7日上傳)上傳檔案最大可上傳 20 MB我明白及同意注意事項 I agree the terms *如何得悉是次比賽 *2024年6月7日
1. 請以大會提供的報名表填寫資料 2. 完成後以相片形式(jpeg/png)提交作品並以大會提供的方式繳付報名費3. 如作品經大會評審後入圍,大會將在官方網頁或FB公布結果4. 得獎者屆時須寄上實體作品(郵費自付)到本會提供的地址,以供展覽之用5. 獎項將於展覽前寄送給得獎者(郵費自付)或須得獎者到指定地點領取6. 得獎作品將於展覽後寄回得獎者(郵費自付)或須得獎者到指定地點領取7.舉凡繪畫類比賽*不可用電腦合成或任何拼貼*請用A3或以下尺寸的畫紙或畫布 8. *報名費不包括參展費及獎項申請費用(如獲獎,可自由選擇申請以下選項──參展費連獎座及實體獎狀:HKD698/參展費連獎座及電子獎狀:HKD668/參展費連獎牌及實體獎狀:HKD658/參展費連獎牌及電子獎狀:HKD648/參展費連實體獎狀訂製:HKD 558/參展費連電子獎狀訂製:HKD 498/實體獎狀訂製:HKD388/電子獎狀訂製:HKD358)9. 參展費用已包括:a. 專人運送畫作到日本京都文化博物館參展場地費用 b. 專人於展覽場地畫作上架費用 c. 專人為畫作貼上個別名牌識別標籤費用 d. 專人為畫作裝裱入框費用(特製框展後本會收回) e. 專人於展覽場地拍照、影片、VR動態影片留念,並上傳本會官網及FB f. 專人運送畫作從日本京都回港費用
*注意事項1. 提交作品時,請小心填寫所屬組別、中英文姓名、地址、電郵等資料2. 資料一經提交,如需更改,將收取行政費用HKD 50 3. 報名費一經繳交,將不獲退還4. 作品內容必須為原創,如涉及抄襲、偽冒、代筆等不實行為,將被取消參賽資格
6. (如適用)獎盃、獎牌、獎狀、得獎作品皆以順豐到付或閣下到指定地點領取的方式取得7. 所有獎項由大會評審決定,各組別的得獎名額及獎項可隨實際情況變動而不另行通知8. 大會對各獎項有最終決定權,任何人不得異議 9.對於獎項(包括但不限於獎盃、獎座、獎牌、獎狀/證書)款式及標示的圖片及文字設計,本會有最終決定權,宣傳或預先展示的圖片或錄像皆供參考之用 10. 獎項/頒獎禮/展覽/賽果的發送/公佈日期只供參考,實際發送/公佈的日子有可能按實際情況而變而不作另行通知 11. 凡一經報名,即表示同意本會對參賽作品有使用及推廣的權利,包括但不限於刊物、新聞發布、網站、公開展覽等 12. 若參賽作品內容涉及侵權或其他相關的法律責任(如索償、提告等),須由參賽者承擔,本會概不負責
13. 本會保留取消及褫奪各獎項的權利,並不設上訴機制14. 參賽者一經提交作品及繳費,即代表同意上述條款及細則
*Terms and conditions1. Works made by collage or computer production are no accepted
2. All entries are required to upload to the Google enrollment form in jpeg/pgn format.
3. Individual email will be sent to winners for notification.
4. Award-winning works can be displayed at the exhibition. Winners who want to join the exhibition are required to send us their physical works (postage fee to be paid by sender). All works will be returned after the finishing of the exhibition. (postage fee to be paid by receiver)
5. Trophy/medal and certificate will be distributed before the commencement of the exhibition (postage fee to be paid by receiver).
6. Please check all information provided in the enrolment form before submission. Administration fee of HKD 50 will be charged for the requirement of any changes in the enrollment.
7. The works must be original and unpublished. Participants who plagiarize or submit work that is not entirely their own will be disqualified.
8. Participants must ensure that their works have not been submitted for any other competition or published in any forms or channels.
9. Trophy, medal, certificate and returning of award-winning works will be delivered via S.F Express (postage fee to be paid by receiver).
10. All decisions made by the Judging Panel and ICAEA are final.
11. ICAEA reserves the absolute right to make final decisions in all matters related to the competition, including the
interpretation, modification, cancellation or suspension of the terms and conditions, prizes and other arrangements at any
time without prior notification.
12. All entries submitted will become the property of ICAEA and can be used for future promotional or educational purposes. ICAEA is authorized to use all or any parts of the entries including but not limited to website releases, publications, exhibitions of the entries, and production of teaching kits. In all cases, no specific notification or additional charges will be given to the participants.
13. All entries submitted must be original and produced legally and free from infringement of any existing intellectual property rights. If any participants breach the intellectual property rights, they must fully bear the legal and related responsibilities. ICAEA reserves the
right to pursue legal action.
14. Any violation of the terms and regulations may result in disqualification from the competition, subject to the final discretion
15. In the event of disputes, ICAEA reserves the right to disqualify any entry and/or retract any award from the entrant.There is no appeal mechanism in the competition.
16. The date of result announcement, exhibition, award delivery just for reference only.
17. The word and picture of Trophy/medal and certificate just for reference only.
18. In case of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
19. By entering a submission to the competition, the entrants accept the full terms and conditions of the competition.
ICAEA© 2022